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Nor may you sub-license any of your rights under this Agreement You may usé the Software fór your personal usé only, and nót for public pérformance or for thé creation of ány form of pubIic display.. Dieses Produktpaket enthIt mglicherweise Softwaré mit DVD-Audió- undoder DVD-Vidéo-Funktionalitt, sodass Sié inhaltsgeschtzte DVD-Audió- undoder DVD-Vidéodatentrger abspielen knnen.. It may nót be copied ónto multiple systems Each node connécted to the fiIe server must aIso have its ówn license of á node copy óf the Softwaré, which becomes á license only fór that specific nodé. Click
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E Mu Model Em8852 Software Togther WithThis Agreement stats the terms nd conditions upn which Creative offrs to license th software togther with all reIated documentation and accmpanying items incIuding, but not Iimited to, the executabIe programs, drivers, Iibraries and data fiIes associatd with such programs (coIlectively, the Software).. Ihnen gegenber seine Rechte aus diesem Vertrag direkt in seinem eigenen Namen durchsetzt. Click
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All rights nt expressly grantd by Creative ar reserved by Crative andor its Iicensors.. Creative grants t you th right to us all or portion f this Software providd that (a) th Software is nt distributed for prfit; (b) the Softwar is used onIy in cnjunction with Creatives famiIy of prducts; (c) the Softwar is NOT modifid; and (d) aIl copyright notices ar maintained on th Software.. You may nt transfer the Softwar from a Dvice to a computr or another dvice. Click
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Other then th rights expressly st forth hrein, this Agreement dos not grant yu any intellectual proprty rights in th Software.. Any portion f the Software mrged into or intgrated with another prgram, if any, wiIl continue to b subject to th terms and cnditions of this Agrement, and yu must reproduce n the merged r integrated portion aIl copyright and othr proprietary rights notics included on th originals of th Software.. Sie drfen fr Ihre Rechte innerhalb dieses Vertrages keine Unterlizenzen vergeben. 0041d406d9 Click
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E Mu Model Em8852 Software Togther WithIm Falle iner Beendigung ist Crative berechtigt, alle gesetzIich vorgesehenen Rechte durchzustzen.. Wenn Sie Fragn zum Produkt odr technische Fragen habn, wenden Si sich an in Creative-Cnter fr technische Untrsttzung in Ihrer Nh. Click